Donation Centers near Garden Grove, CA

A List of Local Donation Centers to Donate to This Holiday Season near Garden Grove, CA

Thanksgiving is only a few days away, but the holiday season continues throughout this winter. If you have some spare time and want to help out while staying socially-distanced, donating goods, time, or money can go a long way to supporting those in need. At Garden grove Kia, we wanted to provide a few donation centers and food banks you can check out in the Garden Grove area.

Goodwill Store and Donation Centers

Located throughout the Orange County area, the Goodwill Store and Donation Centers continue to offer services and donation opportunities. Providing jobs and opportunities to the community, each store provides centers to raise funds for those in need while allowing others to donate goods.

The Salvation Army Family Store and Donation Center

Another place with plenty of locations in the Orange County area is the local Salvation Army organization. With various pickup locations, those wanting to give can provide furniture, clothing, household goods, and even vehicles to help those in need. Of course, the organization also runs food drives and a web of support for those in need.

Food Finders Inc

Despite its smaller size, Food Finders Inc. in Los Alamitos is a great option if you want to donate or help directly to the middle-man. Food Finders works to eliminate hunger and food waste by distributing food donations to food-insecure areas in Southern California. Those interested can both donate and volunteer for the cause or find a food pantry using their Food Pantry Locator tool.

Christ Cathedral Community Outreach

As for a local food pantry in the area, the Christ Cathedral of California, those in need can receive groceries at their Helping House. Meanwhile, volunteers and donors can offer time and goods to maintain their food pantry. Plus, those just wanting to donate can do so on their site.

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